Online Vocal Studio

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Expert Vocal Training for All Levels

By keeping the number of students small, Valentina is able to tailor each lesson to the singer's individual experience, ability, and goals.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced singer, she offers the highest level of training possible. This includes mastering the technical aspects of your vocal instrument and improving your overall performance.

Valentina believes in encouraging creativity, building confidence, and most importantly, having fun while learning.

Music Styles taught at Online Vocal Studio

Contemporary Commercial Music

Contemporary Commercial Music (CCM) is a term used to describe modern popular music styles such as pop, rock, soul, Jazz, R&B, among others.
Teaching CCM singing involves using modern vocal techniques that are specifically designed for current music trends.

Classical & Opera

In Classical singing lessons, you will learn to master breath control, clarity, and interpretation of music from various composers.
Opera lessons, on the other hand, cover singing, acting, and stage presence.
Teaching you how to project your voice without microphones and how to bring characters to life through music and theater.

Musical Theatre

Musical theatre focus on mastering techniques that allow performers to express emotions, tell stories, and entertain audiences through song. The instruction emphasizes developing versatile vocal skills, character interpretation, stage presence, and the ability to convey the narrative through song in the context of musical theatre productions.



Absolutely! My lessons are tailored for all skill levels, from beginners to experienced singers. No prior experience required—just a passion for singing!

All you need is:

  • a device with camera & microphone (computer, tablet, or smartphone)
  • a stable internet connection for our video streaming
  • a quiet space to sing without interruptions. 

We’ll handle the rest!

Online lessons offer the same personalized attention and quality instruction as in-person sessions. Through video calls, I’ll guide you through vocal exercises, technique, and repertoire just like we would face-to-face.

Payments and scheduling of lessons are flexible:

  • Paypal, please book the lesson(s) in my calendar.
  • Bank transfer, please contact me for details and find a time that suits you best.
  • Cash, for physical lessons only – please contact to schedule you.
Absolutely! Whether you’re into classical, pop, jazz, or any genre in between, my lessons are tailored to explore and refine your preferred style.
Lessons typically run for an hour, but I offer flexible time frames to accommodate your schedule and ensure productive sessions.
It depends on your goals and schedule! We can set up a lesson plan that suits your pace and aspirations, whether it’s weekly, bi-weekly, or tailored to fit your needs.

Yes, indeed! I offer a first trial session to get acquainted and discuss your goals before diving into regular lessons.

The free 30 minutes trial lesson is a chance to see if we’re the perfect fit before working together and upgrade your vocal performance.

Absolutely! We’ll work on techniques to build confidence and tackle performance anxiety, helping you shine on stage or in front of a camera.
Yes, If songwriting or composing interests you, we can incorporate elements of creativity and songwriting into our lessons to nurture your artistic side.

Let's Start Your Singing Journey Today!